How To X

Friday, October 27, 2006

Windows, Linux, Unix & Apple

Take any computer related magazine these days and you will definitely see some article related to which among these four (there is not much comparison between Unix & Linux of course) is the best. Here are my two cents.

Each of these has achieved what they set out to be. Take the case of Unix. It began as a research project in AT&T Bell Labs. Ken Thomson & Denise Ritchie wanted an operating system that was stable, had multi-user & multitasking capabilities. Most of the commands of Unix were assignments Ken Thompson gave to his students in MIT. It did what it set out to be beautifully. Later on it was discovered that Unix had commercial value too. But it never was meant to be a commercial product.

Microsoft on the other hand had a different goal - "a computer on every desk and in every home". And it has achieved exactly that. Microsoft opened the gates of the world of computers to the common man. All the products and features of Microsoft are designed for the user’s convenience. Windows is no exception. It’s designed to be intuitive and user friendly. But hey didn't Apple invent the "windows" concept. Yes they did. But merely inventing will not make it accessible to the masses. At the price Macintosh was sold it was beyond the reach of the common man. It took Microsoft's marketing strategy to make computers reach each and every desk and home.

Apple had a different priority. To create innovative and insanely great products that users will love to use. They has achieved this with every product of theirs be it the Macintosh or the iPod. Being an industry leader was not their priority. Apple products are inherently innovative (Macintosh's GUI, iTunes music store, IPod's clickwheel), and has drop dead gorgeous looks. Not only have they achieved what they set out to do but have surpassed any standards.

GNU/Linux had a different goal. To create a system exactly like Unix but which was free as described by the GNU GPL. When GNU set out this herculean task, Unix was the leading commercial product. But Unix was originally a research project. GNU/Linux achieved its goal and has a system that is exactly like Unix and is free. But since Unix was a research project Linux too is like a research project. And it’s rightly called the “Engineer’s OS”.

So what’s the bottom line? If you want a fun, stylish and cutting edge product get an Apple. If you want a easy to use and practical product, get a Microsoft box. If you are a researcher/engineer/developer/philosopher get a Linux box. So what about the magazines that compare Apple, Windows & Linux? There is not much point in comparing a screw driver, hammer and a pipe wrench. They were meant to different things and they do it wonderfully. The magazines need to be more innovative (like apple) to increase readership.


  • Interesting read.. but the fact is that there are quite a few other os projects namely for specialized tasks...

    people say that the mac is the ultimate in the multimedia section from photo editing to video to sounds...

    but they are wrong... as far as i have tried oses there is something called beos from v5 onwards it rocks in multimedia far surpassing the standards of a mac.

    no one ever bothered about it and it died; unnaturally..even though it was a great deal.

    i remember it was practically the first os that was pure plug and play. It used to take my modems and soundcard and everything on my system before any version of linux or windows could!!


    By Anonymous Anonymous, at Saturday, October 28, 2006 7:08:00 AM  

  • thoughful,

    By Anonymous Anonymous, at Saturday, October 28, 2006 9:42:00 AM  

  • Nice & Intresting observation.As I read through this article I would just like to leave some comments that I think is necessary.

    As I don't have any prior experience with App I would like to quote something between win & *nix which I found/observed as a Experienced user.

    Now a days there is a very hard debate whether u can say it as a os war b/w computer users, manufacturers and developers whether to stick on to win/*nix completely.I would like to say both win & *nix are two branches of the same parent(os) tree.Although both evolved from the same parent they matured completely as two entirely different entites,one as research project and other as a complete business product.It's is known fact the one scores above the other in some departements and vice I think As a opensource supporter & more than that a hardcore computer lover my view is that it's foolish to make a comparison b/w two and end in conclusion to depend on one entierely for each and every purpose.I think rather a combination of two is necessary(as in some govt dept in kerala where *nix is insatlled in servers for more security and it's flexibility with more powerful machines and win in client machines for it's ease of use & user freindliness).

    This will result in maintaining an healthy competition b/w the two and a result a better os for the future.

    By Anonymous Anonymous, at Sunday, October 29, 2006 5:46:00 PM  

  • somebody said sth about ms not being innovative…
    well, mac proved himself as a king here, but compared to linux (with xp or vista in mind) it’s still ages ahead of this nasty eye-burning shit. Now ms got avalon (now WPF), what does foss have in return?

    Let’s look closer: foss hasn’t invented any (useful - pythoon is useless script crap) language, MS in the meantime invented .NET. And now we see little conformists using mono and developing all kinds of core foss apps..

    On the web servers - apache is still using slow scripting shit (PHP (which is total disaster if we look at it’s security), perl, ruby) in the meantime on the windows we are roling super-duper fast ASP code (at nearly c++ speed).

    In the background MS is developing cool new techs like Singularity, for which foss don’t have money or interest (as it would kill linux).

    I don’t see linux being any more innovative, maybe the other way - as little plagiators - and even if linux is better than windows in certain server jobs, BSD just surpases them all in any such job.

    Long live windows!

    By Anonymous Anonymous, at Thursday, November 23, 2006 10:17:00 PM  

  • Hi,
    As the guys r saying that Linux/Unix r not powerful as compare
    to MS oses, But i think they don't know the security features of Unix/Linux and if we take the example of .Net then I agree that is good work done by Microsft but it is the ultimate copy of Java, if anyone says
    that MS OSES r good but in case of better GUI only....
    I m giving a clue in MS oses we r bound to calculate the value of any float or integer but in the case of Unix/Linux we can calculate
    the value according to our requirements.....think about this and then tell me the comparision between MS and Unix/Linux. This was only a small thing ............

    ....wrote by A BIG SUN's guy

    By Anonymous Anonymous, at Friday, August 24, 2007 4:28:00 AM  

  • Hii,
    Nice comments...just to add to it.
    There was an interview with Jobs aired on History Channel some time back. He was asked about GUI's birth at Palo alto and about how it flew to Seattle ... the reply by jobs was from the true heart of a Technology Envisionist ( Hope i spelled it correct ! ) ..he said there is nothing like Bill tuk it kinda feelin as wen he luked at GUI for first time at Palo Alto he knew it was the door to the next world and that is it !!!

    Well this is no techie..but wen u all talk about OS, Mac & windows...u knw "RANDOM THOUGHTS"..hehe

    By Blogger Nambu3, at Tuesday, September 25, 2007 10:09:00 PM  

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